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Bustard Downs is a 220acre organic farm  breeding Polled Brahman cattle on the Western side of the Great Dividing Range in Tropical Dry Savannah Mt. Carbine country.  A distinctive Australian rural outback landscape overlooking the stunning rainforest mountains.

At Bustard Downs we believe in  naturally grown chemical free farming and practice and promote ethical animal husbandry, treating our animals with love and respect using low stress stock management.


Our cows live a happy healthy life in a natural family herd, grazing primitive native grasses living symbiotically with the Native Flora and Fauna.  You can see iconic Australian fauna, such as Kangaroo, Wallaby, Bustards and over 100 species of birds living cohesively alongside our small productive herd.

Contact us if you are interested in purchasing Bustard Downs Quiet Polled Grey Brahman Bulls* and Heifers*  

Sired by a Registered Polled (PP) Bull from 'Eskwood Brahmans', Bowen and original Dam line from 'Tajiri Brahmans' and 'Douglas Creek Brahmans', Daintree.

In our 10th year of breeding Grey Brahmans we are happy to have invested in quality genetics and made the move to produce Polled Cattle for private or commercial sale


Weaner Bulls and Heifers small numbers, quiet

Bustard Downs Pool
Bustard Downs organic farming produce
MARYFARMS  is a collection of Farms along the Mary Creek
Maryfarms is 7km South of Mount Carbine on the Mulligan highway and 20km North of Mount Molloy

In the 1950s land was surveyed and clearing began for Tobacco Farms along the Mary Creek which continued up until about 1975.


During this time it was a thriving community of successful farming families of many origins including Italians, Albanians, Anglo and Indigenous Australians. There was also a Post Office, telephone exchange, school bus service to Mount Molloy and a small shop.

Today Maryfarms is a collection of small production Farms and Lifestyle blocks on the East and West sides of the Mary Creek.  The Mary Creek joins the Mitchell River which flows West to the Gulf of Carpentaria. 

"The desired Mitchell we reach at last; it is undoubtedly the river of Queensland. No one would believe there is such an extent of rich forest country up here on its banks and tributaries on this table-land, and that so near the coast..." Camp 12, May 1875, James V Mulligan



Bustard Downs

Bush Luxe


93 East Mary Road


Mount Carbine QLD 4871, Australia

T: +61  07  4094 3094 

M : 0488 042 259


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